“Shaking the Vines” By Doug Fincher


April 22, 2024 - “Go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in…” Luke 14:23

I met Hollis Peavy in the late fifties while I was Pastor of San Augustine’s Liberty Hill Baptist Church and we became lifetime friends. He invited me once to an afternoon squirrel hunt. When I insisted that squirrels don’t “stir” that time of day, he replied,   “Then let’s make’em stir”. As we walked along a spring branch near Bland Lake, Hollis grabbed a hanging vine, yelled, and yanked a couple of times. Two cat squirrels fled the tree in a wild frenzy. As I stared in surprise, Hollis laughed, “Sometimes you gotta scare ‘em out”.

The Lord uses tender entreaty to rescue those lost in the world’s viney trees. But if that method fails, He sometimes uses a different strategy. 
He shakes our vines.