Across the Preacher’s Desk: Back Seat Drivers…

November 22, 2023 - I read the other day about a man who took flying lessons. At the end of the course, he passed his tests and got his pilot’s license. So, one of the first things he does is take his wife up for a ride. As they were flying along, among the clouds he finally commented, “It surely is nice up here, no back seat driving. You are not constantly telling me to watch out, slow down, use my turn signal. It’s nice not listening to all of that.” That is when she said, “look out for those birds.”

You see there is just no getting away from “back-seat drivers.” They are like critics, every calling of life has its back-seat drivers and critics. They are always the ones who could do it better than you could and are glad to tell you that they could.

We find them in the community. Whatever comes up, they have all the answers and are free with their criticisms. They are in our families. They can tell others how to raise children. They are in the church. They have the answer to any question that comes up and never have to study a Bible to have that answer. They can put the preacher in his place and they can get the leaders of the church “told” in no uncertain terms. They know everything that is wrong and seldom see anything that is right.

Yes. Back seat drivers (critics) are everywhere. They are “swift to speak and slow to hear.” Let’s make sure we aren’t one of them.

It’s something to think about. . . tbp

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