Across the Preacher’s Desk: A Dead Church

February 15, 2024 - I read an interesting story the other day related by William Barclay. It seems a minister accepted a position with a new congregation. He was warned by those who knew this congregation that it was a dead church and he would be better served not to go there. Nevertheless, he accepted the position and soon discovered that the church was indeed dead.

There was no planning, no labor and no amount of urging or exhortation could kindle a spark of life or waken any response. To be sure, he told the congregation they were dead and he made plans to carry out the funeral of the church.

On the day appointed for the “church’s funeral” he had a coffin brought into the building and the building was decorated with funeral sprays and other floral arrangements befitting a funeral. The building was crowded more than it had been in years. At the end of the “burial service”, as a last token of respect, the minister invited the assembled audience to file past the coffin.

As they filed past, they received a shock. The coffin was open and empty. In the bottom of the coffin was a mirror. As each individual looked into the coffin of the “dead church” they saw their own face. You see, if the church is dead spiritually, it is because we are dead spiritually. The simple fact is that we are the church. The church is people. It is its members. If a congregation is dead, it is because its members are dead.

It’s something to think about... tbp

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