Pet Food Pantry Collecting at Center's Football Game This Friday

September 14, 2023 - The Center High School JCC Students will be collecting dog and cat food at the Friday Night Center Football Game. They will have a table set up outside of the gate to accept donations. Our goal is to fill the back of a truck! All donations will go to the Happy Trails Adoption Center for the start up of their Pet Pantry.

If you would like for your donations to be picked up from a local business please call Center High School 598-6173 ext. 2221 and we would be glad to make arrangements or email

September 5, 2023 - Center High School Junior Chamber of Commerce is partnering with The Happy Trails Pet Adoption Project to stock the Pet Food Pantry.  

Please help us collect Dog and Cat Food. All donations can be dropped off at the Center High School front office or you can contact Jennifer Fausett 596-6173 ext. 2221 to schedule a time for a JCC member to pick up your donations!  

Thank you for assisting our students with this project!