Center ISD Board of Trustees Unofficial Minutes of Regular Meeting

December 20, 2017 - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Center Independent School District (CISD) was held on Thursday, December 14, 2017 beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Center Independent School District Administrative Office Building located at 107 Private Road 605 in Center, Texas 75935.

1.Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum - John Henry Holloway called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. and declared a quorum. Present was John Henry Holloway; Greg Hubbard; Allison Johnson; Daphne LaRock; Casey Lout; Matthew Mettauer; Traci Willoughby; Betty McDaniel, Director of Finance and James Hockenberry, Superintendent. None were absent. Visitors were Lesle Byndom-Bell; Tina Byrnes, Southwest Foodservice Excellence; David  Golden, McKinley-Golden Architectural Firm; Matt Gregory, CHS Principal; Heath Hagler, CIS Principal; Jake Henson, CMS Principal; Jimmie Johnston, Southwest Foodservice Excellence; Linda Snell, Director of Special Programs and Doug Whitt, Samco Capital

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance - Matthew Mettauer gave the invocation and Casey Lout led the Pledges of Allegiance.

3. Reorganization of Board – Officers Elected: Allison Johnson nominated Matthew Mettauer as Board President. With no further  nominations, Allison Johnson made a motion, seconded by Traci Willoughby to nominate  Matthew Mettauer as the President of the Center ISD Board of Trustees. Matthew Mettauer  abstained from the vote; The motion carried 6-0. Traci Willoughby nominated John Henry Holloway as Board Vice President. With no further nominations, Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Allison Johnson to nominate John Henry Holloway as the Vice President of the Center ISD Board of  Trustees. John Henry Holloway abstained from the vote; The motion carried 6-0. Allison Johnson nominated Traci Willoughby as Board Secretary. With no further nominations, Allison Johnson made a motion, seconded by Daphne LaRock to nominate Traci Willoughby as the Secretary of the Center ISD Board of Trustees. Traci Willoughby abstained from the vote; The motion carried 6-0. 

4. Public Comments/Audience Participation - None

5. Presentation and Discussion of District’s Financial Profile and Outlook - Doug Whitt, Center ISD financial advisor, presented a financial profile of Center ISD to the  members of the Board. The District is in excellent financial shape and well prepared to meet  the future facility needs of the District.

6. Consideration to Approve the Recommendations from Special Board Committee on Facility Reviews to Employ Architect Firm for Future Projects. The Special Board Committee on Facility Reviews met with four impressive architectural firms on Monday, November 27, 2017. The Committee made a recommendation to the full Board to employ McKinley-Golden Architecture firm for future projects. A motion was made by Traci Willoughby, seconded by Allison Johnson to engage McKinley- Golden Architecture firm for future projects at Center ISD. The motion carried 7-0.

7. Consideration to Authorize Administration to Solicit Proposals for Construction Manager At Risk for Future Projects. A motion was made by John Henry Holloway, seconded by Casey Lout to authorize Administration to solicit proposals for Construction Manager at Risk on Future Projects. The motion carried 7-0.

8. 2016-2017 Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) - The Board discussed the Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) for 2016-2017. Center ISD had a positive year with substantial gains. Three campuses (CES, CIS and CHS) earned academic distinctions, and the special education program improved its staging rating from a 3 to a 2. The 2017 accountability rating for Center ISD is Met Standard.

9. Consent Agenda - A motion was made by John Henry, seconded by Allison Johnson to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the regular meeting on November 6, 2017; the minutes from the special called meeting on November 15, 2017; the minutes from the special Board Committee on Facilities Review on November 27, 2017; Tax Office Report (November 2017); Investment Report (November 2017); Quarterly Investment Report (period ending May 31, 2017); Annual Investment Report (2016-2017); financial reports (September, October and November 2017); payment approval over $50,000; budget amendments for employee compensation and benefits; local policies DNA and DNB; Overnight Student Activity Trips and the resolution authorizing signature authority to District officers. The motion carried 7-0.

10. Consideration and Approval of TASB Localized Policy Update 109. A motion was made by Traci Willoughby, seconded by Daphne LaRock to approve the TASB Policy Update 109 as presented. The motion carried 7-0.

11. Annual Report of the Trustee Continuing Education Hours. CISD Board President, Matthew Mettauer, presented the annual report of the Board members  continuing education hours as follows:

 John Henry Holloway – 16 hours
 Greg Hubbard – 3 hours
 Allison Johnson – 52 hours
 Daphne LaRock – 18 hours
 Casey Lout – 23.25 hours
 Matthew Mettauer – 21 hours
 Traci Willoughby – 13 hours
 James  Hockenberry – 23.5 hours

12. Discussion and Consideration to Approve New Positions.

The Board received information regarding two new positions at Center ISD. The new positions are necessary to meet the needs of our student body and District.

The Board also received information to employ highly qualified student teachers upon graduation subject to assignment and future positions. This approach is a proactive move to keep local talent in our District as well as providing a practical and authentic teaching experience sooner rather than later.

A motion was made by Allison Johnson, seconded by John Henry Holloway to approve two new positions (At Risk Counselor at RRA and a Student Needs Liaison and Intervention Coordinator at CMS) conditioned upon funds availability and giving consideration to employing highly qualified student teachers upon graduation subject to assignment and future positions. The motion carried 7-0.
13.Closed Session - Matthew Mettauer called for a closed session at 7:06 p.m. under Texas Government Code §551.071 and §551.074 for consideration of employment of contracted personnel, resignation/retirement and extended emergency sick leave.

14. Open Session - The Board returned into open session at 7:44 p.m. No action was taken in closed session.

        14.1.1 A motion was made by Allison Johnson, seconded by Traci Willoughby to accept the resignation/retirement as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry. Sara Hughes, CHS Teacher – resignation. The motion carried 7-0.

        14.1.2 A motion was made by Allison Johnson, seconded by Traci Willoughby to approve the employment of personnel as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry.

 Brianna Evans, Teacher - Center Middle School
 Dawn Green, LSSP and Early Childhood Coordinator, Special Education
 Celia Gonzalez, Teacher – Subject to Assignment
 Darby Hudspeth, Teacher – Subject to Assignment
 Edie Miller, Teacher – Center High School
 Ashley Smitt, Teacher – Subject to Assignment

The motion carried 7-0.

        14.1.3 There were no extended emergency sick leaves to be considered by the Board.

15. Adjournment - A motion was made by Casey Lout, seconded by Traci Willoughby to adjourn the meeting at 7:46 p.m. The motion carried 7-0.