County Moves Forward on Haul Truck Purchase; Holds on Sheriff's Request

May 1, 2024 - The Shelby County Commissioners took further action Wednesday, May 1, 2024, to move forward with purchase of haul trucks using ARPA funds.

The commissioners then were presented with an update on the bid process for Road and Bridge haul trucks to be purchased with American Rescue Plan Act funds.

Judge Harbison said contact was made with Jessica Johnstone, GrantWorks, and her opinion was the best course of action to be taken is to send out requests for quotes, rather than going through the buy board.

“[Jessica's] working on that now and as soon as she gets it to Ann, she'll publish it and send out the packets to the large truck dealers in the surrounding areas and this process will take four to five weeks,” said Judge Harbison.

Commissioner McSwain moved to go forward with seeking the bids at the recommendation of the grant consultant. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lout, and it carried.

A quote from Parkway Chevy for the purchase of three vehicles, two Chevrolet Tahoe’s and a pickup truck, for the Shelby County Sheriff Department was considered by the commissioners; however, they were hesitant to move forward without presence from the Sheriff’s Department during the meeting.

“It was requested by the sheriff, and I feel like that he wanted this to come out of the grant money that we received,” said Judge Harbison.

Judge Harbison was speaking about the grant funding the county has received from SB22, and through which the commissioners recently were able to provide additional raises at the Sheriff’s Department.

“It's kind of hard to have a discussion if the requestor is not here to at least present their case,” said Commissioner Bellmyer.

Commissioner Roscoe McSwain was concerned the request was for over $50,000 in value, which would require the county to seek bids to fulfill.

“Even though this has a buy board number, and this is grant money from the state, it doesn’t matter where the money is from. We should bid this out,” said McSwain. 

McSwain encouraged anyone to explain to him why, since it was a value over $50,000, bids shouldn’t be requested.

Commissioner Bellmyer reminded the court, that two months  previous, the Sheriff’s Department requested three vehicles, and at that the request was for F -150s and with the change in the request, he felt clarification is needed. Judge Harbison agreed clarity is needed before making a decision.

“I want clarification why we're not going out for bids, if their argument is ‘hey, these people have these vehicles in stock,’ that don't give you an out for not going out for bids if we need to go out for bids,” said McSwain.

Taking the future into consideration, Commissioner Bellmyer brought up the Sheriff’s position and the possibility action taken during the current administration would impact the future sheriff-elect, whoever they may be.

“Whoever it is, is going to inherit these vehicles and I think they ought to at least have a little influence on which way it goes too,” said Bellmyer.

Commissioner McSwain moved to table the Sheriff’s Department vehicles; Commissioner Bellmyer seconded the motion and it carried.

The commissioners acknowledged and recorded the completion of a 12-week Enterprise Cyber Security Leadership Master Certificate program by Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer/Cybersecurity Administrator, through the National Association of Counties Professional Development Academy.

“She had numerous activities and actually 200 activities in this leadership class that she had to complete and pass, and she did pass with flying colors,” said Judge Harbison.

Commissioner Stevie Smith moved to record the accomplishment, and it was seconded by Commissioner Bellmyer. The motion carried.

Commissioner Tom Bellmyer referenced bills that were presented during the April 24, 2024 meeting, and he stated he misspoke in reference to signage he was billed for and for which he had not received the signs. Instead, the bill he referenced was for previous signs that have been installed and he was under the impression the bill was for a different order.

Bellmyer wanted to indicate the mistake was his, and not that of the vendor.

When the commissioners voted on this item at the previous meeting, they did vote to pay the current expenses and did not in that motion move to hold the payments of the bill presented.

A motion by Commissioner Stevie Smith was seconded by Commissioner Bellmyer, and it carried.

The meeting adjourned at 9:48am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Pay weekly expenses.
2. Go forward seeking bids at the recommendation of the grant consultant for Road and Bridge haul trucks to be purchased with ARPA funds.
3. Acknowledge and record completion of 12-week Enterprise Cyber Security Leadership Master Certificate program through National Association of Counties Professional Development Academy for Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer/Cybersecurity Administrator.
4. Adjourn 9:48.

Agenda items tabled during the meeting include:
1. Discuss and possibly approve the quote from Parkway Chevy for the purchase of 3 vehicles for the Shelby Co. Sheriff Department.