David’s Daily Devotion for Apr. 1

April 1, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Monday, April 1.

I hope you and yours had a blessed Easter weekend. The legendary words of the angel at the tomb are still ringing in our ears - "He is not here.  He is risen!" And now we begin a brand-new month, the beautiful month of April. But be on the alert today for all those "April foolers" out there!

On April 1, 1976, two young men started a company. Steve Wozniak was just 25 years-old and Steve Jobs was even younger at 21. The headquarters for this new company was Job's parent's garage. They named it Apple. And this morning, just 48 years later,  it is the largest company in the world.  In 2023 Apple brought in revenue of 390 BILLION dollars. From little acorns, mighty oaks may grow.

In the 6th chapter of the Gospel of John, we read a story of a hungry crowd that had gathered to hear Jesus teach. At the end of the day, Christ took a little boy's lunch - fiveloaves and two fishes - and fed the crowd of 5000. John only counted the men, so we can assume that women and children brought the number up to 10,000 or more. This miracle is the only one recorded in all four gospels, with the exception of the one we celebrated yesterday.

From little things, great things can come.  
We sometimes feel that our lives are too small to be of much service to God. What difference could one person possibly make in this big world? Well, consider this. In His hands, we can be difference-makers. In His power, we can be world-changers.

No fooling!

Meet you back here tomorrow, 

Bro. David