David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 4

February 4, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Friday, February 4.

Our lives are filled with all kinds of prayers. There's the prayer we learn as children - "now I lay me down to sleep." And the prayer we learn as adults - "our Father, who art in heaven." There's nothing wrong with memorized prayers. They can be a comfort to us, a touchstone, just as memorized scriptures can be.

But when we consider the true definition of prayer - talking to God - we see the need to improvise, to express our feelings, to share our heart. Imagine what the relationship with your spouse or friend would be like, if your only communication was a series of memorized, rehearsed phrases! Sometimes our communication with God isn't as personal as it should be.

There's a kind of prayer that's been nicknamed "The 911 Prayer." That's the one we pray when we're in trouble, in crisis, at the end of our rope. Those prayers are always very personal. We definitely speak to God from our heart during challenging times. But what kind of relationship would we have with a friend or loved one, if we only spoke from the heart when we needed help?

God just wants to talk. For reasons beyond our comprehension, the Creator of the Universe is interested in hearing from you. And not just in times of crisis, but every day. That's the kind of prayer life that builds a relationship with God, a relationship that, when troubles come, will give a firm foundation and "a peace that passes understanding."

So, talk to God today. He's waiting. He's listening.

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David