David’s Daily Devotion For March 5

March 5, 2022 - On March 5,1946, a strange thing happened.  Winston Churchill, the famed British leader, arrived in the small Missouri town of Fulton.  He had been invited there by Missouri’s Favorite Son, President Harry Truman.  Churchill was to speak at the little Westminster College.

The speech that Churchill gave that day, 76 years ago, introduced a new term to the world.  In his legendary voice he proclaimed, "an iron curtain has descended over Eastern Europe."  It was the first time that term had been used, and it marked the beginning of The Cold War between the US and the USSR.

Most of you are old enough to remember the falling of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the break-up of the Soviet Union.  But now, with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, some predict that a new Iron Curtain may be falling.

We pause this morning to remember the people of Ukraine.  And to pray for the missionaries, the pastors, the churches, and our brothers and sisters in Christ there.

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David