Deep East Texas Beekeepers Association July Meeting

July 6, 2016 - Linda Bordelon, co-owner of Heavenly Honey Apiary on Toledo Bend Lake in Shelby County, presented the July 5 program to members of the Deep East Texas Beekeepers Association in San Augustine, Texas.

Linda explained how to "Keep Bees Buzzing" by using plants, herbs, flowers, and trees that bees love.  She shared a list of these that are found in the East Texas area, and discussed slides of flowers, trees, and plants on her Wildscape.  Afterwards, members were able to share their own favorite flowers and plants for bees.

The Deep East Texas Beekeepers Association meets the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 pm at the San Augustine Chamber of Commerce, 611 W. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas.  Refreshments are served, and visitors interested in beekeeping are welcome to attend and "talk bees" with experienced beekeepers.