In God's Word by Mike Mills, Feb 23

February 23, 2016 - God called Jeremiah to be a prophet at an early age, even as a child, Israel had been taken into slavery years before and now Judah was slipping into the same sins of idolatry and immorality.

God called Jeremiah to warn the nation of God's impending judgment that was to come upon them if they did not repent and return to Him. He was even called the weeping prophet as he had a tender heart and would often weep when people did not believe him, most ridiculed and persecuted him instead of heeding him. In (Jeremiah 1:17-18) God told Jeremiah of all the things he was to do and of the things God had put in place to protect him from his own people.

For over 40 years he warned them but they did not heed him and eventually they were taken into slavery by King Nebuchadnezzar, who gave Jeremiah the choice of going to Babylon or staying in Judah with the remnant of old people. They did not take those who could not do hard work but left them to fend for themselves in a desolate land. Jeremiah stayed with the remnant who eventually fled to Egypt where he spent his last years on earth.

The final message that God gave to Jeremiah is found in (Jeremiah 1:19) "And they shall fight against thee; but they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee." These were his own people that God warned him about, his own people who ridiculed and persecuted him, once even placing him in a cistern as in a prison cell.

As God's children and His workers today our opposition many times is much more secret, more sneaky than the frontal assaults that Jeremiah faced. Much of our opposition seeks to make us uncomfortable, unsure of ourselves and our faith.

I assure you that every day that we seek to carry out God's will the evil one sends his army of demons against us. They will try to hinder and slow us and block our path each day in order to try and halt our daily work for our Lord.

They will try to confuse us, to make us doubt one another and maybe even falsely accuse one another.

They will always try to interrupt us when we witness to another person for the Lord; trying to make that person doubt the truth we are telling him.

God assures us though that through it all; even if we grow weary and fearful that we cannot ultimately be defeated for He is with us. He fights for us and protects us from His enemies. He tells us as He told Jeremiah that; "they shall not prevail against thee; for I am with thee, saith the Lord, to deliver thee."

We must put on the full armor of God, His Word, pray for His blessings for America, pray for God to send us godly leadership, and we shall overcome, and America will not fall as did Judah and Israel.

May God Bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you each day.