Golden Harvest Ministries Club Donates Toys to SCCAC; New Officers Elected

Administrative Assistant, Valerie Warren; program Chairman Linda Anderson; and Executive Director Denise Merriman shown with toys collected by members of the Golden Harvest Ministries Club for the Advocacy Center.

November 25, 2017 - Golden Harvest Ministries Club 1st Vice President Linda Anderson opened the November 20, 2017 Golden Harvest Ministries Club meeting with a Bible verse of Thanksgiving and recognized guests and Linda Bordelon who was back after Pine Grove rehab, and who had decorated the tables with colorful fall leaves and pumpkins to welcome the Thanksgiving season.

Harold Hanson led members with songs of thanksgiving, and members sang “Happy Birthday” to Dot Bain, Ann Hooper, and Barbara Mathis. Anniversary greetings went to Barbara and David Mathis and Sylvia Jackson.

Denise Merriman, Executive Director of Shelby County Children’s Advocacy Center, gave updated for the past year. Their two-fold purpose is to provide a non-threatening environment for the investigation of child abuse and to provide support services for the victims of abuse and non-offending family members.

The 2018 officers were elected: President, Helen Collard; 1st Vice President, Linda Anderson; 2nd Vice President, Blanche Haley; Secretary, Ellen Manning; Treasurer, Joe Anderson. The Reporter and Historian will be appointed by the President.

Joe Anderson gave the financial report, and Ellen Manning read the October minutes. Ann Forbes discussed those on the Prayer Report.

Members were asked to bring canned goods to the December meeting for the Christmas project. Meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church in Center, Texas at 11:30 am. Visitors are welcome to enjoy the luncheon, program, and fellowship.