Joaquin ISD October Board Meeting Minutes

October 26, 2017 - 1 The Joaquin ISD School Board met October 25, 2017 in regular session at 6pm in the Joaquin Boardroom with the following members present: Chrisco Bragg, Tam Hearnsberger, Thomas Harvey, Bill Mason, Jr., Brandon Neal and Jeff Cater

Board members absent: Ronnie Belrose

Guest(s) Present: Lanie Stanley, Molly Mason, Michalla Byrd, Jacob Cox, Dre Walters, Logan Harper, Gunner Nelson, Brian Yoder and Jim Loerwald

Joaquin ISD Employee(s) Present: Phil Worsham, Superintendent; Joel Bumback, Director of Finance; Terri Gray, Jr. High Principal; Sherry Scruggs, Elementary Principal; Bert Coan, Assistant Elementary Principal; Jimmy Jackson, High School Principal; Mark Bonner, Maintenance Director 
Chrisco Bragg, President, called the meeting to order at 6:01pm.

2 The invocation was led by Chrisco Bragg, and the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America by Bill Mason, Jr., and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Texas Flag was led by Jeff Cater.

3 Audience Participation – Those signed up and participating were: None

4 Report and Information items:

4.1 FIRST Hearing (Public Comments welcome during this item) – Joel Bumback, Director of Finance

4.2 Monthly Financial Report – Joel Bumback, Director of Finance

4.3 TASB Fall Legal Seminar – Nacogdoches, Thursday, November 9th, from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. SFASU-Twilight Ballroom

4.4 Correspondence

5 Agenda Items for discussion, consideration, and possible action:

5.1 It was moved by Thomas Harvey, and seconded by Brandon Neal, to approve minutes from previous meeting. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.2 It was moved by Jeff Cater, and seconded by Tam Hearnsberger, to appoint James Allen Cockrell as Joaquin ISD’s representative on the Shelby County Appraisal District Board. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.3 It was moved by Thomas Harvey, and seconded by Jeff Cater to approve Hellas for the resurfacing of the track. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.4 It was moved by Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Thomas Harvey, to approve the proposal from Thomas Bus to purchase 2 stock 72 passenger buses. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.5 It was moved by Brandon Neal, and seconded by Jeff Cater, to approve the sale of used buses.
Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.6 It was moved by Jeff Cater, and seconded by Brandon Neal, to approve the 2017-18 Budget Amendments. Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously. 

5.7 It was moved by Tam Hearnsberger, and seconded by Bill Mason, Jr., to approve the 2017 Tax Levy 
Following discussion, a vote was taken on the motion. It carried unanimously.

6  Chrisco Bragg, Board President, ask for items to be placed on the next board agenda. 
 None at this time

7  Designation of date and time of next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Joaquin ISD – 
Monday, November 13th, 2017, at 6pm. 

8  With no further business on the agenda the meeting was adjourn at 7:22pm.