Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department Warns of Phone Scam

October 20, 2018 - The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department would like to make everyone aware of a possible phone scam taking place in our area. It has come to our attention that someone from a 430 area code has been calling citizens in the Joaquin area supposedly asking for donations to the “volunteer fire department”.

The Joaquin Volunteer Fire Department has never, does not, and will not solicit donations over the phone. We deeply appreciate all of our supporters who so generously donate to our department.

We do not want to see anyone tricked into sending their hard earned money to someone who isn’t affiliated with a local organization. If you do not live in the Joaquin area and you receive one of these calls, we encourage you to contact your local volunteer fire department before sending any money to anyone. As far as we know, none of the seven fire departments in Shelby County solicit funds in this manner.

Again, we thank you for your support.