KNB Holding Fall Tree Sale

September 29, 2015 - More than 1,000 trees will be for sale during Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful's (KNB) annual Fall Tree Sale from 9 am to noon, Saturday, October 24 at the City Landfill, 4602 NW Stallings Drive.

Trees are $10 a piece and are in one- and two-gallon containers. Dogwoods, redbuds, red oaks, shumard oaks, nuttall oaks, cherrybark oaks, yellow poplars, Southern wax myrtles, bald cypress, green ash and pecans will be available. KNB will provide loading assistance for those who need it.

Proceeds will benefit the Nacogdoches Garden Capital Committee, Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful and their projects. For more information, contact Buzz Dutton, 936-560-5624 or Keep Nacogdoches Beautiful is a county-wide volunteer organization and an affiliate of both Keep Texas Beautiful and Keep America Beautiful.

Nacogdoches, the official Garden Capital of Texas, also has been officially recognized by the Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA community. The Tree City USA standards were established by the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters to ensure that qualifying communities have a viable program to manage and expand their public trees. The program began in 1976 and more than 3,400 communities have made the commitment to becoming a Tree City USA.