Meterologist Joe Haynes Speaks at Golden Harvest Ministries Meeting

April 22, 2017 - President Helen Collard called the April 17 Golden Harvest Ministries Club to order at 11:30 am in the Fellowship Hall of First Baptist Church in Center, Texas. She began with an Easter scripture reading, and David Mathis, Associate Pastor of Worship and Education, led members and guests in singing favorite hymns followed by singing “Happy Birthday” to W.A. Moore and Carl Smith. April anniversary greetings went to Winnie and John Preston. Alice West accompanied on the piano and David Mathis on the guitar. Johnny Gray blessed the food, and members and guests enjoyed an Easter Monday lunch.

Ann Forbes introduced KTBS Shreveport meteorologist Joe Haynes, who presented the program on “Spring Severe Weather Season” which included tornado occurrences by month, and the Jet Stream, and how it influences our weather.

The tables were decorated with spring flowers from Linda Bordelon’s gardens.

Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month in the Fellowship Hall of the First Baptist Church in Center, Texas, at 11:30 am. Visitors are always welcome to bring a covered dish and enjoy the fellowship and a wide variety of programs. The next meeting will be Monday, May 15.

Submitted by Linda Bordelon, Reporter