News from Paxton Methodist, Feb. 8

February 8, 2021 - Grace and peace from our brother Jesus, Amen. Sunday was the 6th Sunday of the Epiphany. The Season of Epiphany is shorter this year than in other years because there is no set date for Easter (and it’s a little early in 2021). We know that sometimes Easter morning starts off cold and dark—but other years, Daylight Savings has occurred and Spring seems to have sprung. So like in real life, there is uncertainty.

Paxton Methodist is having in-person worship; we respect each other by wearing masks and keeping socially distant. Scientists and medical professionals say that we can do three simple things before the vaccines are generally available: To curtail the spread of Covid-19, we should wash our hands regularly, stay at least 6 feet apart—social distancing, and yes, wear a mask—or maybe two masks—at least for the next hundred days. It could save 50,000 lives. Things are so dire that mask-wearing is the patriotic thing to do. It is also the Christian thing to do, loving your neighbor as you love yourself. As soon as you can, get vaccinated against this scourge—twice. Sue and I got our first dose of the Covid vaccine last week. We were so happy to get that needed shot in the arm that it was a day of celebration for us.

Our Sunday School lesson was based on the first thirteen verses in the second chapter of James. In his first century way, James stresses how important it is for the communities of Jesus followers, as well as all people of good will, to treat others fairly and with dignity. He also reminded us of our obligation to help those who are struggling. James ended by saying that in God’s Kingdom, mercy overrules judgment.

We want to be as safe as we can. Since we resumed in-person worship, our music has been on CD. We can hum the song under our masks but no vigorous singing! The first song, a real toe-tapper, was “Give Me that Old Time Religion,” sung by Willie Nelson. The second hymn, “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing,” is often called the Methodist anthem.

Today was the first Sunday of the month, so we celebrated Holy Communion. To be as safe as possible, everyone stays in their seats: I give each person a baggie with a small container of juice and a communion wafer. I use hand sanitizer twice during Communion and deliver it to everyone.

The first scripture lesson came from Isaiah 40: 28-31, where we hear the Prophet Isaiah reminding the people that God is everlasting; we must not give up in our struggles, even though we will tire and stumble. The Gospel lesson came from Mark 1, when Jesus once again teaches and heals. He also shows the importance of prayer and finding time for quiet.

Today is Super Bowl Sunday, and as usual I don’t have a favorite team. I will probably watch some of it—the two quarterbacks promise an interesting match-up. Often the games are one-sided and boring. If Sue watches with me, she’ll want to see the high-dollar ads that I usually skip. She’s making homemade cinnamon rolls for me, so the house smells wonderful!

I took some checks and plenty of tuna to the food bank at Community Christian Services. It was good to see everyone. CCS volunteers have become essential as they bring much-appreciated supplies to those in need. In February we will be collecting soap and shampoo to donate. It was good to have Joe worshiping with us today. We wished Keith a belated happy birthday.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.