Panola College Foundation Awards Grants to Faculty, Staff

(L to R): Ginger Borders (PC Foundation Member), Teresa Beasley, Bobbie Smith, Phillip Grimes (PC Foundation Vice Chair), Reanna Hart, Pat Browning (PC Foundation Member), Dwaine Hubbard, Karen King, Jane Hays, Patti Redmon, Amber McCray, Paula Fultz, Tonya Fotinos, Brenda Giles (PC Foundation Chair), Laura Wood, Jodie Reed (PC Foundation Member), Cristie Ferguson, Jo Ellen Russell, Todd Shelton, Betty Gruber, Kathy Watlington, Ashley Brewster, Cheri Lambert, Lynn Davis, Don Clinton (accepting on behalf of Jacky Andreatta), and Sandra Bauer.

August 22, 2017 - On Thursday, August 17 Panola College faculty returned to campus excited by a new year. The Panola County Chamber of Commerce welcomed faculty and staff with donuts, coffee and their own enthusiasm for the new semester.

After a brief welcome back by Dr. Billy Adams, Mrs. Brenda Giles, 2017-2018 Chair of the Panola College Foundation, was welcomed to the podium to announce the 2017 faculty and staff grant recipients.

“Each year the Panola College Foundation has been able to grow the amount of faculty and staff grants due to the generous contributions from the community, alumni and employees of Panola College,” said Giles. “In 2011, our first year to award grants, we gave four grants totaling $5,454 and six years later, we are able to award 17 grants totaling $47,620.”

Giles expressed the Panola College Foundation’s gratitude to all those who showed their support to Panola College over the years and then called the grant recipients forward to accept their award.

This year’s grant recipients include:

  • Jacky Andreatta received $6,837 to obtain a whirlpool table, whirlpool seat and hydro chair to be used in the Athletic Training courses as well as helping athletes.
  • Laura Wood and Tonya Fotinos were awarded $6,590 to purchase biology models for the Marshall campus lab.
  • Todd Shelton received two grants totaling $3,165 to go towards the purchase of new netting systems for the baseball team.
  • Amber McCray and Jane Hays accepted $3,000 to purchase an Attack II Volleyball Machine for training.
  • Teresa Beasley and Kathy Watlington applied for $1,500 to take art and humanities students on a field trip to city museums in the fall and spring.
  • Karen King was awarded $1,855 to replace the light board console in the Studio Theatre.
  • Cristie Ferguson received $3,195 to bring the exhibit Through Darkness to Light: Photographs Along the Underground Railroad Exhibit to the M.P. Baker Library.
  • Dwaine Hubbard accepted a grant for $1,000 to purchase a jazz keyboard for the band.
  • Dwaine Hubbard and Sandra Bauer also accepted a grant for $800 to purchase two portable speakers for the music department to share at events.
  • Ashley Brewster applied for a grant of $809 to provide simulation equipment for nursing to convert patient from SimMom to medical-surgical manikin.
  • Betty Gruber received $1,850 to equip Certified Nurse Aid classes with an electric bed, wheel chair, and durable supplies.
  • Jo Ellen Russell accepted $1,275 for the Medical Lab Technician program for a one-year subscription to an online White Blood Cell Differential Simulator.
  • Lynn Davis was awarded $2,930 to purchase vital signs simulation equipment to help the Medical Assistant program.
  • Cheri Lambert and the Occupational Therapy Assistant program received $9,969 to obtain a VitalGo Total Lift Hospital Bed.
  • Reanna Hart accepted a grant for $2,562 to purchase phlebotomy equipment including a pediatric training arm, newborn manikin, and skin and vein replacement kits.
  • Bobbie Smith, Paula Fultz, and Patti Redmon will be taking the cosmetology students to a Make-up show in Dallas with their grant of $3,050.

Information about how to make a gift to Panola College is available online at, or by calling 903-693-2029.