Panola College Move-In Day

August 29, 2017 - Panola College students spent the day moving into the residence halls on Saturday, August 26th, marking the beginning their college experience. Students signed in, had student ID photos made, checked their schedules, purchased their books, received their room keys and started moving in.

Panola College faculty, staff and returning students were on hand again this year to help with Move-In Day, along with numerous community organizations. Panola College had over 1,000 people on campus for this exciting day.  Among those groups were several local churches including Still Waters Cowboy Church, New Life Fellowship Church, First Christian Church, St. John’s Episcopal Church, Church of Christ – Wildwood, Baptist Student Ministries, Faith Assembly of God, St. Williams Catholic Church, First United Methodist Church, First Christian Church, and Beckville United Methodist Church.

Other organizations included The After School Youth Enrichment Program (AYEP), 418 Club, Ladies of Strength, ETCADA, Cricket Wireless, Verizon Wireless, SALT, Prosperity Bank, Panola College SOTA Club and Panola College Criminal Justice.

Still Waters Cowboy Church provided free barbecue chicken lunches, and other volunteer organizations kept everyone’s energy level high with cookies, cold water and snacks.

“Move-in day is one of our favorite days of the year. Energy is high, and everyone is excited to begin the fall semester,” said Dr. Greg Powell, Panola College President. “We enjoy welcoming students and their families to our campus.”

Dr. Greg Powell poses with Coach Kite, Coach Hudson and a few of the Fillies basketball team members.First United Methodist Church helpers included Associate Pastor Leah Hanks, Becky Gullette, Brooke Lipsey and her children Olivia and Travis, Dwaine Hubbard and Scott Rogers. Hubbard is band director at Panola and Scott plays trumpet in the band.The Holcombe family drove from Houston to get son, Alex, moved into the dorm. Alex is on the Panola Men's Basketball Team. From left are Alex, Alex, Jr., Angela and Aerik.Kade, Pam and Mitch Clemens of Gilmer enjoy lunch provided by Still Waters Cowboy Church. Kade is a third-baseman for the Panola Ponies.Lois Smith, Mia Smith, Diamond Smith and Wayana Darty are ready to get Mia moved into her dorm room.