San Augustine Rural WSC Boil Water Rescind Notice

November 18, 2016 - The water on San Augustine Rural WSC no longer requires boiling as of November 18th.  On November 16th, we issued a Boil Water Notice due to a major leak in the City of San Augustine's Water Main. This included all customers on San Augustine Rural Water, and was issued for safety precautions. The problem has been corrected and we've tested the water. The tests were good, therefore, the Boil Water Notice is lifted. 

Our system has take the necessary actions to be sure of adequate pressure, disinfectant levels, and/or bacteriological quality and has provided TCEQ with testing results that indicate that the water no longer requires boiling as of November 18th. 

If you have any questions, please contact Charles Sharp at 936-288-0489. Thank you for all your patience and cooperation.