Sandra Davis Visits The Golden Harvest Ministries Club

Photo: from left---Sandra Davis, Library Director, and Kathy Sawyer, Grant ManagerOctober 18, 2016 - President Joe Anderson called the Golden Harvest Ministries Club to order at 11:30 am at the Fellowship Hall of the First Baptist Church in Center on October 17.  Joe welcomed members and recognized visitors.  Harold Hanson led the group in singing several hymns.  Alice West accompanied on the piano with a group of members singing "On The Jericho Road."  Celebrating October birthdays were Vance Green and Ruby Switzer.
Danny Brown blessed the food and gave thanks for the food preparation, and members and guests enjoyed the luncheon and fellowship.
Sandra Davis, Library Director, and Kathy Sawyer, Grant Manager, of the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library spoke about what is available at our local library.  The library's mission is to maintain and improve the quality of life for all citizens of the community by providing resources that contribute to the individual knowledge, enlightenment, and enjoyment in the most efficient and user friendly manner possible.  They especially recognize the responsibility to serve as a place for children to discover the joy of reading and the value of libraries.
Chairman of the Nominating Committee Darlene Brown announced the 2017 Slate of Officers:  President, Helen Collard; 1st Vice-President, Linda Anderson; 2nd Vice-President, Blanche Haley; Secretary, Ellen Manning; Treasurer, Joe Anderson; and Reporter, Linda Bordelon.  Linda will also continue to decorate the tables as a Center Garden Club project. 
Secretary Ellen Manning read the September minutes, and Treasurer Betty Green gave the financial report.
Linda Anderson reminded members to bring items to the November meeting to benefit the Shelby County Advocacy Center.
Ann forbes discussed those on the prayer report, and members remembered all in a special prayer led by David Bain.  Ann encouraged all to visit those in our area nursing home.  Joe Anderson gave the final prayer.

Submitted by Linda Bordelon