Shelby County Sheriff's Office to Host Blood Drive, Donations to Benefit Dallas

Update: The blood bank called Ann Blackwell back and wanted to clarify their earlier statement concerning donations going to Dallas. They sent blood last night and today's donations are replacing those. They will continue to send as needed but all are appreciated and needed here as well. Sorry for the confusion. But regardless this is a caring act on the part of every donor!

Update: Gulf Coast Blood Bank reports the donations received today at the Sheriff's office drive will be sent to Dallas to help with the need there.

June 23, 2016 - Donation site will be held at the Shelby County Sheriff's Office Friday, July 8th from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. To sign up in advance, please contact Ann Blackwell at (936) 598-3581 (sponsor code:B999). Free T-shirts will be passed out to those who donate, as well as those who attempt to donate. The Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center recommends you eat and drink before donating and would like to remind everyone to bring their ID. 

After a holiday, donations are always in need. The Shelby County Sheriff's Office would like to encourage everyone to come out and donate blood!