Summer Reading Program Sponsored By Center Noon Lions Club

May 1, 2015 - The members of the Center Noon Lions Club voted to support all library events for children during the summer at the Fannie Brown Booth Library. The library has enlarged the program to include 9-12 year olds including 4 events with presenters, a six week reading contest and a party for the readers at the end of the program. Events will begin June 11th at 2:00 p.m.

The summer reading program for 4-8 year olds will begin at 10:00 a.m. on June 11th. Both programs are designed to inspire children to continue reading and learning through the summer. The program is open to all children in these age groups in the county. This summer’s program will include live animals, magicians, puppets, a game warden and the fire department. Reading logs for the reading contest may be picked up at the library on Tuesday, June 2nd.

Last summer the library had to limit participation of the 9-12 year olds due to a limited budget. Support by the Lions Club will enable the library to include all children in this age group who wish to participate.