Tenaha 8th Graders Improve Math Skills

Pictured above is Andrew Tyner, this month’s winner of the Khan Academy math competition.November 11, 2016 - The 8th Grade math classes At Tenaha ISD are having a monthly Khan Academy contest. After taking the first six weeks to get some 8th grade concepts mastered and learn the workings of the Khan Academy site, the 8th Graders just completed their first contest month. 

Khan Academy is a free, online learning site that is donation and supporter funded. Students who have an account can practice math concepts at any grade from Kindergarten (Early Math) through 8th by grade level and High School and College level math by course (Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus, SAT, GMAT, MCAT, etc.). Students can even search for specific math concepts to practice. 

Additionally, Khan Academy is diagnostically driven. If a student is having difficulty with a topic, more of that type problem is provided. If a student is successfully answering problems, the program challenges them with higher level problems. When students reach concepts that they are unfamiliar with, hints are provided (with step by step explanations) and most questions have detailed video lessons available at the click of their mouse. Tablets are available for student use every morning and Monday-Thursday after school. Additionally, students have access during Tiger Tutorials each school day. Khan Academy can also be accessed from any computer or smart phone off campus! There’s even a Khan Academy app available.

To encourage our 8th graders to practice on their own students are able to build points towards the monthly contest as they work on their mathematics mastery. The highest point winner each month wins a $10.00 WalMart gift card. The point totals are filtered for each month, so previously earned points are not included in the winning tabulation. This month’s winner was Andrew Tyner. Congratulations Andrew!