Thank You Letter from Ministerial Leadership of Abundant Love Ministries

To our family, church family, friends, and community:

October 31, 2023 - On behalf of the Ministerial Leadership of Abundant Love Ministries, First Lady Felicia and I would like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you who participated and showed your appreciation to us during Clergy Appreciation Month.

Your generous endowments, acts of kindness, thoughts and prayers, visiting or traveling to shower special love on us during our October Sunday services where each of our ministers and their wives were recognized and honored, and supporting our Annual Clergy Appreciation Banquet, reflected greatly your love and affection for this ministry. Each gift received, whether individually or as a whole, was received into our hearts with joy and gladness; treasures to behold.

From each of us to each of you, Thank you and ABUNDANT BLESSINGS to you all. We look forward to seeing you in any of our regular scheduled services.

Yours In Christ,
Pastor Marlin Cloudy, Sr.