Unofficial Center ISD Board of Trustees Minutes of Special Called Meeting

January 15, 2019 - A special called meeting of the Board of Trustees of Center Independent School District (CISD) was held on Monday, January 14, 2019, beginning at 6:00 p.m. at Center Independent School District Administration Building located at 107 Private Road in Center, Texas 75935.

1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum - Matthew Mettauer called the meeting to order at 6:01 p.m. and declared a quorum. Present: John Henry Holloway (via telephone); Allison Johnson; Daphne LaRock; Casey Lout; Matthew Mettauer; Traci Willoughby; Deuce Wulf and James Hockenberry, Superintendent.

Absent: None

Visitors: Mike Brister, Jason Liker and Keith Miller

2. Executive Session - Matthew Mettauer called for a closed session at 6:01 p.m. under Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.072, §551.074 and §551.129 to discuss personnel.

3. Open Session - The Board returned into open session at 9:31 p.m. No action was taken in closed session.

3.1 District Employees and Officers: Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.074 and §551.129 for consideration of employment.

3.1.2 Employment of Personnel - There was no action taken regarding the employment of personnel.

4. Adjournment - Daphne LaRock made a motion, seconded by Deuce Wulf to adjourn the meeting at 9:33 p.m. The motion carried 7-0.