By Neal Murphy

“The Trip From Hades” by Neal Murphy

March 13, 2023 - Several years ago we decided to motor up to Burlington, North Carolina, to visit our son, Doug, during the Christmas season. It is a long trip of fourteen or fifteen hours. Clara and I enjoyed several days of visiting with Doug and our grandchildren. For some reason, I decided to begin our return trip to East Texas on New Years Eve, late in the afternoon. Big mistake.

"The Perils of Piano Playing" by Neal Murphy

February 10, 2023 - My wife, Clara, has been playing the piano and organ for many years. She is quite good at it as she has been invited to play music for numerous weddings and funerals over the years. However, there is a side to playing the keyboard that is quite dangerous. One would think that sitting at a piano and playing would be about the safest thing a person could do. This is not the case with Clara, as you will soon detect.

"The Long-Tailed Cat" by Neal Murphy

January 20, 2023 - There is an old saying, “I’m as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!” The meaning behind that saying is the longer a cat’s tail is, and the more rocking chairs in a room, the greater the chance of the cat’s tail being mashed. Of course, it does not have to be a rocking chair as far as the cat is concerned.

"The New Model" by Neal Murphy

December 27, 2022 - As a pre-teen growing up in East Texas, my hobby was keeping up with the changes in automobiles. I could identify for anyone the make, model, and year of any vehicle I saw on the road. I actually cut out pictures of new automobiles I found in magazines and put them in a binder by year.

“The Hills of San Augustine” by Neal Murphy

November 21, 2022 - Many cities are known for the hills surrounding them.  Rome is known as the “city of seven hills”.  There is also a Seven Hills in Ohio.  San Augustine can also boast of several hills surrounding the city.  In the 1950’s when a teenager, I had experiences on each one of them.  There are four hills surrounding the city – actually three hills and one dip.


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