Submitted by Josh Crawford

Proclamation Signing to Recognize June as Hunger Awareness Month

June 28, 2019 - Shelby County Outreach Ministries, officials from Shelbyville, Tenaha, Timpson and Joaquin along with Mayor David Chadwick of Center, non-profits and other support systems are coming together on Friday, June 28th in making a proclamation acknowledging June as Hunger Awareness Month. The purpose of this is to raise awareness that we have those in our community that still struggle with providing enough food for themselves and their families. Resources will be available to provide you with more information on ways to assist those in need.

Hunger Awareness Month Canned Food Drive - Stomp Out Hunger

June 17, 2019 - In celebration of Hunger Awareness Month, Shelby County Outreach Ministries will have a Canned Food Drive from June 10th thru June 14th. Donations may be dropped off at Shelby County Outreach Ministries between 9-2 M-F.

Statistics say that 21.3% of people in Shelby County live in a food insecure home. This means that we have people in our community that are hungry and not sure where their next meal will come from.


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