Submitted by Sydney Brookshire

Center HS Fish Camp August 7

August 6, 2018 - Center High School will host its Fish Camp August 7, 2018 from 9:00-2:30 in the CHS cafeteria.

Incoming CHS freshmen are invited to join faculty and staff for Fish Camp!

The event is absolutely Free, and participating freshmen will receive a free t-shirt and lunch!


Center High School Schedule Pickup

July 30, 2018 - Schedule pickup for the 2018-2019 school year at CHS will be August 6th for Juniors and Seniors, and August 7th For Freshman and Sophomores. The information in Parent Portal may not be correct until these dates.

We look forward to seeing our incoming Freshman at Fish Camp on August 7th beginning at 8am, and at our annual Meet the Teacher Tuesday, August 7th, from 5 to 6:30 P.M.

Center ISD Enrollment: Parent Survey

July 25, 2018 - Parent/guardians will be asked to complete a survey as a part of the enrollment process across the campuses; surveys will be a part of the enrollment packets provided to students.

In addition to paper surveys responses, answers can be submitted online. Surveys are in English and Spanish and are designed to secure feedback regarding career and college readiness resources.

Data collected will provide information that can be used to strengthen services to the families in the district.  


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