Tim PerkinsNovember 25, 2021 - It's the season for Thanksgiving, and to be sure, we have much to be thankful for. Most of us will never be rich in the way that the world measures riches and yet all of us may be rich toward God. The riches of the world are subject to loss, taxation and the fluctuation of the markets. The riches of God cannot be stolen, taxed or devalued. They can however be shared.

To many folks, there is only one kind of wealth. Houses, stocks, securities and money in the bank. Their happiness rises or falls with the stock markets. To these people everything has a monetary value. Often, only bitter experience is able to teach them that some things in life are more valuable than money.

The carpenter of Nazareth lived and died as one of the poorest men on the earth, yet he taught the true sense of values when he proclaimed, "A man's life consists not in the abundance of the things he possesseth" (Luke 12:15) He came to enrich human life, to teach the value, not of man's accumulations but of his soul. Faith, hope, love, these attributes of the soul, Jesus made them of inestimable value.

We must not let things which are part of the passing scene, stocks, houses, securities and money in the bank cloud our vision to the finer spiritual securities in Jesus Christ. Yes, at this season of the year we say, "Thank you Lord!"

It’s something to think about… tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

“We give thanks unto thee, O LORD, and sing praises unto thy name.” Psalms 18:49

November 22, 2021 - This coming Thursday our nation will pause to remember a special day set aside to give thanks to God for His bountiful blessings we all experience every day in our land. Yet, year by year, such a day of thanksgiving is all but lost to most Americans. In its place, we celebrate unworthy things such as Halloween and a secularized Christmas that is centered on greed, avarice, and idolatry of the worst kind.

The first Thanksgiving, was a time to remember God's sovereignty over life and His love expressed for them. Contrary to teachings these days, these Puritans or "Separatists" were not dangerous revolutionists or fanatics; rather they were plain honest citizens - farmers, merchants, and professional men.

The Mayflower Compact 1621 was one of the earliest plans for self-government by European Christians in America. But notice the basis of it. It stated that their purpose for government and their living in this new land was, "Having undertaken for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith." How far we have strayed from this historic and Biblical truth! Today we are told lies and deceived by godless men who want to change the laws by which we live. The "politically correct" teaching today is that our government must be separated not only from religion, but from the God of that religion as well. Nothing is further from our American historic truth! This nation was indeed founded by Christians, for Christians and with the intent to have land free from the control of any "state church,” or any established religious sect, but not from the basic philosophy of the Christian world view for life and living.

George Washington in his "Inaugural Address" in 1789, at the foundation of this nation said,” The smiles of Heaven can never be expected on a nation that disregards the eternal rules of order and right which Heaven itself has ordained."

And at the turn of the century even our Supreme Court stated, "Our laws and our institutions must necessarily be based upon and embody the teachings of the Redeemer of mankind. It is impossible that it should be otherwise; and in this sense and to this extent our civilization and our institutions are emphatically Christian."

May this Thursday as we gather together with families to enjoy a full and overflowing meal - may we remember to bow our heads and hearts and thank God for His abundant blessings on our families and on our land.

We are what we are because of Him.

November 19, 2021 - Peter was writing about Jesus when he penned these words in I Peter 2:21, “Leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps.” Those of us who claim to be followers of Jesus should examine our lives and see how we are doing at following in the steps of Jesus.

Those footsteps of Jesus led him to the waters of baptism, the wilderness of temptation, the house of worship and the fields of Service. They led him to the mountain of prayer, the garden of despair, the cross of suffering, the valley of death and ultimately to the throne of God.

When we are faced with temptation, do we come forth victorious as Jesus did or do we yield to that temptation? When we are presented with opportunities of service to our fellowman do we consider it an honor to be of service? The briefest biography of Jesus says “he went about doing good.” Can that be said of us?

Jesus went to sinners to save them, to the sick to heal them and to the lost to rescue them.  When he went to the mountain of prayer, he spent time there all alone with God and came back from prayer stronger.

When we follow in the steps of Jesus, they will ultimately lead us also to the throne of God, to live eternally in Heaven. Are you following in His steps? If not, right now would be a good time to start.

It’s something to think about… tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

November 15, 2021 - When I decided to get a B.A. instead of a B.S. at ETBU, I knew I would have to take a course in some foreign language. And since Greek was the World language when Jesus was born and since our New Testament was originally written in Greek, I decide Greek would be my foreign language choice.

So on the first morning of Dr. Roark’s class, we were given some free advice. “Young men, “ he began, “If you plan to miss any of my classes, don’t bother coming back.” “A third of you will either flunk out or drop out of this class and it will probably be “διαιρώντας το μυαλόo” that caused it.” “Those Greek words are translated as “worry” in English but they mean literally “to divide the mind.” “And you can’t pass this course unless you come to every class with an “undivided mind.”

I immediately thought of my “divided mind´ through High School. As teachers like Mr. Wyatt was trying to explain Algebra, I day-dreamed about going down to perch fish or swim at Weaver’s pond as soon as school let out. Consequently, my “divided mind” made me barely pass Algebra even though I had great fun after school.

Because of my determination to learn Greek from Dr. Roark, I began challenging Tony Evans and Jimmy Millikan for first place in the class. On the second year, I asked Dr. Roark who did best on the last test. I had a 99 and Tony and Jimmy both had 96’s. I later learned that they both became Seminary Professors.

In 1947… at 14 years of age… I gave my life to Christ. It was unconditional surrender. And I will always be fine…

… as long as I serve Him with an “undivided mind.”

November 15, 2021 - Grace and peace from our friend and brother Jesus. Sunday was the 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time. Next Sunday, Christ the King or The Reign of Christ Sunday, is the last on the Christian calendar. After that, we begin the first six weeks of the new liturgical year with Advent, literally meaning “important arrival,” as we await the birth of Christ on Christmas.

We have had some cool mornings, but for the most part our afternoons have been above average, temperature-wise. I am going to pick lemons and limes next week and then move my citrus trees inside the greenhouse. I keep putting it off as if I can magically slow down winter’s progress by ignoring the calendar.

Our Sunday School lesson focused on such a long scripture that if we read it all, we wouldn’t have had time to discuss the lesson. The heart of it was the importance of a shared common meal and a shared common humanity. I am pretty sure I have never studied these verses from 1 Samuel 25: 2-39. Nabal has made a mess of his relationship with David, the powerful pretender to the throne. The conflict is all due to hospitality not shown. The hero of this story is Nabal’s wife Abigail, who rides out to meet David and his soldiers—showing proper respect and explaining what a fool her husband is. David accepts her words, and peace is maintained.

The Old Testament lesson came from chapters 3 and 4 of Ruth. My sermon was called Dubious Beginnings II, as I tied in last week’s Old Testament lesson to today’s. Along with that, I puzzled through why the writers and editors of the Jewish Testament decided to keep the more questionable stories alongside their sacred accounts.

We honored Fanny J. Crosby today by singing two of her most popular hymns, “To God Be the Glory” and “Rescue the Perishing.” Even not considering her blindness, Ms. Crosby was an amazing talent. We want to wish happy November birthdays to Larry and Hilda, both later this month. Also, Theresa and Larry celebrate their anniversary tomorrow. Happy anniversary!

We are collecting rice and beans all month to donate to Community Christian Services. For the Kids’ Christmas part of CCS, we sent church and personal checks; in addition, last week Sue and I got outfits, shoes, and gifts for the two kids we “adopted.” My wife has been concerned about supply chain disruptions and is almost finished with all our Christmas shopping—just in case.

I mailed off the required reports and budget to the District Office. Our Church Conference with the District Superintendent is Saturday at 2:00. Sue put together some pandemic-safe pre-packaged snacks and bottled water. We always enjoy the time we have with Dr. White, but we also know how busy he is holding conferences for every church in the East District—and maybe hungry or thirsty besides!

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

November 11, 2021 - Most of us have our bad days. On those days, our every act, our every thought, our every spoken sentence seems to have a “but”, a “can’t” a “don’t”, or such like. On those days, we are at our worst. We fret about our health and our circumstances and we pity ourselves to the very verge of tears.

But what do we get out of it? Well, we get misery and worry. By compounding every problem and considering every obstacle, we make matters worse than they are.

So, why do we beat ourselves up when we get “down in the dumps”? Because we momentarily lose our perspective. We magnify things out of proportion so that they overwhelm us and upset us. Yet, we can quickly get rid of negative thoughts. We must switch our will power to the positive current. Once we do, we will notice an improvement almost immediately.

One by one, count your blessings in health, wealth, home, family and other areas of life. Think about all the things that are right in your life instead of all those things that are wrong. It is just as easy to be constructive and positive as it is to be destructive and negative.

So the next time you are “down in the dumps” and having a bad day, do something about it! Take a walk, chat with a neighbor or undertake a worthwhile project. Before you know it, the weight of the world will be lifted from your shoulders.

It’s something to think about… tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com.

November 8, 2021 - Fall Revival Services at Lydia MBC, with Bro. Randy Fair.

Lydia is located on FM 139 in Huxley, Nov 8-10 at 6pm.

November 8, 2021 - Grace and peace from our friend and brother Jesus. This Thursday is Veterans Day, so on Sunday we celebrated veterans, saying special prayers for those who gave so much for the country you and I love. Our first hymn was “America,” AKA “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” also commemorating these selfless heroes.

We have had some really cool mornings. I covered my citrus trees a couple of nights, still having lemons and limes that are not quite ripe. The (huge) lemons started out green and slowly have turned yellow. I will be busy in a week or so moving the trees into the greenhouse along with other potted plants. My dogs don’t seem to mind the cold at all and think I am kind of a nerd as I get all bundled up. My daughter gave me a Fitbit to keep up each day with the number of steps I take. Verdict: I have been averaging around 4 miles a day. Some of those steps are purposeful and others are just moving around and working in the yard and gardens.

Our Sunday School lesson from John was about Jesus feeding the 5,000 with a few loaves of bread and five fish. Our writer told us this is the only miracle story found in all four gospels. John, though, would not call it a miracle—but a sign as to who this Jesus was. Once again Jesus talks about helping the poor, making us feel guilty about the abundance of the kingdom. Unfortunately, religion sometimes does put a guilt trip on us. (My mother was pretty good at that too!) I guess we must struggle on and find our way, with the help of Jesus and our fellow travelers.

The Old Testament lesson came from the first chapter of Ruth. This is one of the most beloved books of the Bible and one of only two named for a woman. Parts of it are often used at weddings, even though the story isn’t about romantic love but about a steadfast love that comes from God. This week while I was working on my sermon, I knew I wanted to approach my sermon from different angles since I have preached this story many times. I also realized that I had too much to say and needed to make two sermons out of the material. So next week I will continue the wonderful words of love overcoming great sadness and grief. Naomi, full of sorrow and yes, bitterness, knew she had to find a way to keep on going. She forged on, showing Ruth how to live with strength.

Our first hymn was “America” in honor of the upcoming Veterans Day, a stirring choice at any time and particularly meaningful this week. Then we sang “Blessed Assurance,” a comforting and joyful hymn. Our song leader Joe says it’s one of his favorite hymn. We closed out our time of worship with “Have Thine Own Way, Lord.” For celebrating Holy Communion, I used a liturgy called “Let the Vineyards Be Fruitful.”

Wednesday I took macaroni and cheese and a couple of checks to Community Christian Services. It is always refreshing and rewarding to see so many friends hard at work helping others. “Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks,” as William Shakespeare would say. In November, we will collect rice and beans. Joaquin First Baptist folks are also gearing up for Children’s Christmas, their part of CCS. They are organizing individuals and groups to “adopt” children, buying each a shirt, pants, shoes, and gift; First Baptist adds socks and Bibles.

We finished up our district reports this week, and I will send our Church Conference Reports to the District Office. Sue has bought some Covid-safe snacks and bottles of water for the conference, which will be November 20th at 2:00. We look forward as always to meeting with our District Superintendent, Dr. White.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

November 4, 2021 - ​According to the teachings of Jesus, every person is going through one of two gates. Either they are choosing to enter the narrow gate and the narrow way that leads to life or they are choosing the broad way which leads through the broad gate to destruction.

These two ideas represent two ways of life. One represents the way of good while the other represents the way of evil. The thought taught by Jesus in Matthew 7 is that more people will follow the easy and popular way of life than the one prescribed in the scriptures.

​This teaching is harmonious with another of the teachings of Jesus in Matthew 22:14. Here he says, “for many shall be called, but few chosen” That indicates there will be only a few people comparatively speaking, who are interested in the Lord’s way enough to follow it and be saved.  Jesus makes his call this way, “Enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be which go in there at.Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”

​In this Jesus is warning people to be very careful how they live. Too many people, who may think they are on the narrow path, might be surprised to find themselves on the broad way if they carefully analyzed their lives. Jesus wants everyone to be saved, but he must have the cooperation of every person who wants to be saved. They must enter the gate he prescribes and live his kind of life, his way.

It’s something to think about…..TBP

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day
Center Church of Christ

November 1, 2021 - St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church and Rev. Freddie D. Wilson, Pastor, are hosting the 112th Church Anniversary on Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 11am.

The event is a Park and Praise and the theme is "The House of God" Genesis 28:17.

Pastor Wilson will bring the message.
