“He was lost and is found…” Luke 15:32

My DadAugust 16, 2021 - In the summer of 1980, Mother called her ten children to tell us our dad was missing. His habit for years was to rise at 4:00, drive to his Water Superintendent’s Office in East Center, Texas and return home at 8:00 for breakfast. But this day he didn’t return.

We asked J.M. Warr to fly his plane over the Jericho area and look for his truck. (Daddy made frequent early morning drives down these peaceful roads). Meanwhile, family members frantically searched the myriad of Sand Hill roads, but found no trace of Daddy. But on the second day of searching, we received a radio message from J.M.’s plane: “I’ve spotted Henry’s truck…it’s on a hillside in the Snow Hill community.”

When we finally located the right road, we found him lying about twenty yards from his truck. His mattered eyes were almost swollen shut and fire ants covered the bleeding cuts on his face and arms. As I leaned over him weeping, he weakly raised his hand and whispered, “Son, don’t worry….I’m alright”. He then desperately clutched the cup of water we’d gotten from the nearby spring.

We later learned that Daddy had stuck in deep sand as he returned from a drink from the spring. But as he jacked up the back of the truck, the jack gave way and the truck backed over him as it rolled downhill. He intermittently gained consciousness during his two days in the scorching sun and had almost given up any hope of rescue. To our great joy, a few days in the hospital made him almost like new.

Our dad passed away in 1983. I'm glad he is still alright.

August 15, 2021 - Grace and peace from our friend and brother Jesus. It is Sunday morning, and I just got back from a walk with my faithful companions, Gunter and Sam. It was really humid, but the temperature was much nicer than a regular August morning. We got a good rain yesterday evening, with more thunder and lightning than rain. But I will not have to water today, so “Yeah! I am not complaining one bit.

In a real break from my routine, I am not getting ready for Sunday School or the church service. Every one of the regular Paxton Methodist worshipers is vaccinated, but last week two of our folks tested positive for Covid. Since they’re vaccinated, the symptoms have been milder, fortunately. We have called off in-person worship today and also for next Sunday, August 22nd. With fourteen days passing, hopefully we will be able to resume Sunday, August 29th.

Last night the East District Superintendent of the United Methodist Church, Dr. Richard White, called to say he was coming to Paxton to worship with us. Although we have been meeting in-person for months, this week was a different story. I sure hope he can schedule another time. We all like Dr. White, who is a good friend of Paxton Methodist and Shelby County. Life often throws curve balls and we have to be ready for what comes. The District announced that our Church Charge Conference will be Saturday, November 20th at 2:00 PM. I will try to figure out Zoom so our next conference (2022) will not require Dr. White to venture all the way to Paxton.

One of the books I am reading is News of the World, which has been made into a movie starring Tom Hanks. Hanks plays a veteran who after the Civil War travels around Texas to hold public meetings where he reads newspapers, catching people up on recent events. The cost of admission is 10 cents. He’s asked to transport a 10-year-old girl, newly released from Kiowa captivity, to her relatives in southern Texas.

Much of the book so far features the thoughts and musings of Hank’s character. At one point he said that humanity has recognized that we have a responsibility to protect and care for children. For some reason during this troubling pandemic time, it seems we have forgotten that. Younger children are getting really sick from the Delta variant: Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Florida have run out of pediatric ICU beds. At the same time, these states are fighting over vaccine and mask requirements.

The Old Testament lesson for today was Proverbs 9: 1-6. Proverbs is a book of wise sayings for young people—but also for the young at heart. In this ancient text, Lady Wisdom was present when God was working on creation, and now she invites everyone to feast on her enlightenment. We all need to sit at that table! Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians 5: 15-20, is also talking about wisdom and the need to apply it to our daily living. The Gospel lesson from John 6: 51-58 promises life—the Kingdom of God—for those who partake of the gifts God has provided. I will preach on wisdom when we get back to in-person services; I also pledge to pray, read, and meditate on how I can apply wisdom and knowledge to my own life. I hope I listen to Lady Wisdom’s call and ignore Lady Folly!

We have enjoyed having Carolyn back these last few weeks, but she will soon head back to Pennsylvania to care for her sister. We will miss her, but I know her sister sure appreciates her. Sue added to Sunday’s bulletin that I had a birthday last week. I guess it’s only fair since I put her birthday in the July bulletin. Mine is August 12, my son’s is the 13th, and his stepdaughter’s the 14th. Maybe I can remember that!

In August, with its school reopenings, we will focus on “Undie Sundays” to help outfit returning students through Community Christian Services. I hope that everyone at the local schools has had a good start to school. As a retired teacher/principal/bus driver, I still miss my fellow educators and the kids. Each morning as I am making laps around the park, I watch the buses heading to school. With Covid-19, I imagine start-up is more complicated than usual. We hope teachers, staff, and students in Shelby County and Desoto Parish have a safe and productive school year. Joaquin and Tenaha scrimmaged Friday night. We live close to school and we can hear the PA announcer when we are outside. Sounds like fall!

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

August 13, 2021 - Latham cemetery is in need of donations/funds for the upkeep of the cemetery. Please make deposits at Citizens Bank in care of Latham Cemetery. For more information about Latham Cemetery, click here.

August 12, 2021 - There is an interesting incident in the life of Jesus recorded in Mark chapter 14. Jesus was the guest of honor in the house of Simon the leper. While having dinner, a woman came with a box of precious ointment and broke the box and poured the ointment on the head of Jesus.

Well, almost immediately, the “naysayers” and the “faultfinders” began to criticize this wasteful act. Mark tells us some said the ointment could have been sold and the money given to the poor. He also tells us they murmured against her. Yet, in the face of this biting criticism, Jesus commended her and told them to leave her alone because she had done what she could.

The story suggests to us that Christianity is a religion of doing things. It is not something one gets but something one does. Jesus went on to tell them that wherever the gospel would be preached, what she had done would be spoken of as a memorial to her.

From this story, we learn that each of us has a responsibility in the Lord’s Kingdom to “do what we can”. God wants us to do what we can and our responsibility is equal to our ability. The greatest need in the church is not eloquence, education or wealth. The greatest need is the spirit that will cause each person to do what they can. Are you doing your part in the service of the Lord?

It’s something to think about… tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com.

August 12, 2021 - Huxley Helping Hands will have a Drive-thru food pantry, Saturday, August 14, 2021, starting at 9am Hillcrest Baptist Church, Center, Texas. Must show I.D. and be in line by 9:30am to receive a box. Only one box per household.

August 9, 2021 - Grace and peace from our friend and brother Jesus. The typical Texas summer weather pattern has come to our part of the world. Once again Mother Nature sent us a curve ball instead of what we usually get temperature-wise at the beginning of August. It was nice to have slightly cooler days and low humidity. But it didn’t last, and we are back in those dog days of summer. Still, no triple digits or wildfires.

Sue and I were in Dallas last weekend visiting our kids. Larry filled in for me, speaking about growing up in the suburbs but being pulled to the quieter country life of his grandparents. Both Sue and I had the same upbringing—suburbs of big cities but frequent visits to grandparents in small towns and farms. We enjoyed reading his talk, and I really appreciate Larry covering the pulpit for me.

I think the Sunday School class is getting used to our author this quarter, and beginning to appreciate the way she talks about scripture. Today’s lesson was based on Job’s suffering; she also discussed why pain befalling good people just doesn’t have a satisfactory answer. We all would like to a clear understanding, but it never really came to Job; we too will have to puzzle over the reality of suffering.

It was so great to have Carolyn back. Carolyn was at Sunday School and church last week, too, but I wasn’t. Carolyn’s daughter Lisa came and we had a lively discussion during our lesson. The church gave thumbs up to two scholarships that will go to grandchildren of two of our members. While we were going over the announcements I realized that I forgot someone’s birthday—mine! Oh, well, I don’t need reminding that I am getting older.

Sue operates the CD player; luckily, we have many hymns on CDs. We are able to play and sing the Gloria Patri and the Doxology in response to our Affirmation of Faith and our offering. Today’s hymns were “Take My Life, and Let It Be” and “Lord, I Want To Be a Christian.” These two are not so familiar to our congregation, as we are more used to old-time songs from the Cokesbury hymnal and Heavenly Highways. Singing from CDs, though, the most important feature is a song with breathing spaces—some of the instrumental accompanists seem very much in a hurry to get someplace else!

My sermon was based on John 6: 35, 41-51. In the words of today’s Gospel, Jesus told those who were hanging on his every word that he was the Bread of Life. Bread and water are still the basics in most human diets. But of course, Jesus is talking about much more than bread. And when he added that he came down from Heaven, the neighbors who knew his parents and watched Jesus grow up were not happy. But these words provided much comfort to the Jewish Jesus followers of the first century.

All during the month of July, Paxton Methodist collected cans of spaghetti and ravioli for Community Christian Services. I delivered the food and some checks to Community Christian Services last week. In August, with its school reopenings, we will focus on “Undie Sundays” to help outfit returning students. This was the original monthly collection for Christian Services at Joaquin Methodist, which later was expanded to various foods and hygiene items each month. As I write this, the Joaquin school parking lots are full to bursting (Logansport returned already). We hope teachers, staff, and students in Shelby County and Desoto Parish have a safe and productive school year.

Whoever you are, in whatever faith you were born, whatever creed you profess; if you come to this house to find God you are welcome here. Paxton United Methodist Church is an inviting church that takes to heart the idea of “Open Doors, Open Hearts, and Open Minds.” Worship begins at 10:00. Our email address is paxtonumc@yahoo.com. If you would like the weekly email newsletter about Paxton Methodist, you can send your email address to the Paxton email address, and I will add you to the list. God’s Speed.

August 5, 2021 - The Bright Morning Star Baptist Church will be hosting it's annual revival three nights, beginning Monday, August 9th - 11th at 7:30 p.m. nightly. The special guest speaker will be Pastor A.L. Horton, Sr., Reed Chapel Baptist Church, San Augustine, Texas. Please come and join us each night. The church is located at 623 Martin Luther King Drive, Center Texas.

Host Pastor Anthony Jackson

August 5, 2021 - James would write for us, “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow, For what is your life?  It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” (James 4:14)  If you want to make God laugh, really laugh, tell Him what you are going to do tomorrow.

The Bible is filled with examples of those who had great plans for tomorrow and yet, tomorrow never came.  When Felix heard Paul preach, he trembled upon hearing the word of God.  He told Paul to go his way and he would call for him at a more convenient time.  He told Paul he would wait until tomorrow and for Governor Felix, tomorrow never came.

Jesus tells us of a rich farmer who had an abundant harvest in Luke chapter 12,  He was planning to tear down his old barns and build greater barns to have a place to store all his abundance.  He had great plans for tomorrow, but God had other plans.  God called that man a fool and told him his soul was required that very night.  Tomorrow never came for that farmer.

Paul would write to the church in Corinth, “now is the day of salvation” (II Corinthians 6:2)  Do not put off serving the Lord until tomorrow, but begin today, right now to serve the Lord and live His kind of life, His way.

It’s something to think about…..tbp

Join Us for Worship this coming Lord’s Day at Center Church of Christ or online at www.centerchurchofchrist.com

August 2, 2021 - On August 8, 2021 at 11:30am, Mt. Gillion Baptist Church will be holding it’s “Second Sunday” in August Annual Homecoming Service. Speaker is Bishop Joseph Hall Jr., Pastor of Union Hill Baptist Church, Mansfield Louisiana.

Rev. Gary Suell, Sr. Pastor.

August 2, 2021 - On Sunday, August 8, at 10:15am the congregation of First Baptist Church of Center will honor area educators. On this Sunday before school starts we invite any teacher, coach, counselor, administrator, retired teachers, etc. to join us for our morning worship service which will include a time of recognition, prayer, and a special gift for each educator present. We love teachers at First Baptist Center. God bless teachers! For more info call David Mathis at 979-533-1575 or 936-598-5605.
