C.H. Daniels Alumni Reunion Classes '68, '69

September 20, 2018 - Get ready for a successful reunion C.H. Daniels Alumni -  Summer 2019

Class of 1968 attendance at the 2011 Daniels School ReunionIn memory of Mattie Jordan

Seven years ago, the classmates pictured enjoyed a wonderful school reunion of C. H. Daniels High. This year 2018 they are remembering the days of the closing of the school. 

Class of 1969 attendance at the 2011 Daniels School Reunion
In memory of Cassandra Nolley

We will give them their Golden Class recognition (50 years graduation anniversary) at the next School Reunion in 2019. They will miss Mattie Jordan and Cassandra Nolley who were with them in 2011. 

Hope to see you there.