EnviroKids “Putting Down Roots” Courtyard Rededication

July 14, 2021 (Photo Album- The EnviroKids' “Kid Murals” were celebrated at a rededication ceremony held in the Putting Down Roots Courtyard in downtown Center next to Badder's Law Firm on June 13, 2021. Ms. Fannie Watson welcomed everyone saying, "We feel so honored that all of you have come here to be with us this afternoon for the rededication of our EnviroKids' murals that we have on the square on our Putting Down Roots courtyard."

EnviroKids Anna Joy Windham Shirley, Karen Wilkins Nix, and Mark Tidwell along with their children led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Tidwell then led everyone in a word of prayer.

Ms. Watson gave thanks for Badder's Law Firm, "We are very appreciative of them for allowing us to do this." She gave recognition to special guests Mayor David Chadwick; Dr. David Creech, SFA University professor; Deborah Chadwick, Chamber of Commerce President; and chamber ambassadors.

Dr. Danny Paul Windham and his wife Sally sang the EnviroKids theme song, 'This County is Your County."

How the Kid Murals got started was told by Ms. Watson, "At the beginning of the 1993-94 school year, Mrs. Frances Oates, Shelby County Chamber of Commerce Chairman, asked my class of 12 gifted and talented pullout students to join here in the Shelby Beautiful Clean Project that was being implemented in the county. These sixth grade students came to my room on one whole day a week and as I've said to several, no one told us what we could do or we couldn't do, so we got involved in a number of things and they knew that they wanted to do community problem solving like two previous classes had done. And they decided to name themselves EnviroKids."

Things the group worked towards was improving the attitudes of Shelby County citizens, encourage people to take more pride in their surroundings, and pledged to be good environmental role models.

On May 19, 1994, the EnviroKids in Ms. Watson’s class dedicated the Putting Down Roots Courtyard. This dedication was the culmination of many many hours of hard work, dedication and love for our County on the part of these students, Ms. Watson and many community leaders. Part of the beautification project was hanging the “Kid Murals,” painted by students depicting their hometowns. These murals became an important part of the downtown landscape and the community. Twenty seven years later, the murals have been removed, repainted by students, and are back up on their wall.

The EnviroKids who returned for the dedication provided the poetic part of the program, reading the same poem read in 1994. Following the poem reading, they gave appreciation to Ms. Watson for her inspiration to them and listed the things they learned from her and have carried into adulthood. She taught them opportunities can be missed because it looks like hard work and the importance of being creative in all that you do - "Creativity is one of our most precious resources, the supply is limitless. The more we use the more we have." Most of all they said she was an example to them of a public servant.

The names of all who helped with the murals in 1994 and 2019 were read aloud. The closing words by Ms. Watson were "Kid Murals are again displayed on the Putting Down Roots Courtyard. Many young people and artists have worked very hard. Scenes of Shelby County will continue to adorn the walls of our lot. Long will they beautify this special EnviroKids spot. They will hang as a reminder of these treasured 1994 and 2019 year that to our Shelby County hearts will always remain dear. May these works inspire other youth to continue our work so that citizens of Shelby County our environmental duties we cannot shirk."

Related article: EnviroKid's Murals Restored, Returned to the Newly Renovated Square