Hwy 87 South in Shelbyville Blocked; Roadway Conditions Predicted to Worsen

Shelbyville hill is solid ice and impassable at the moment. Photo submitted.

February 16, 2021 - Be advised that the Hwy 87 south roadway in Shelbyville is currently blocked and traffic is backed up due to two 18-wheelers which have slid off the roadway into the ditch. The Shelbyville Volunteer Fire Department and the Center Fire Department are on scene assisting with traffic control until TxDOT can assist with brine to help with the situation.

Shelbyville hill. Photo submitted.

Travelers are staying in the grove of two lanes, one north and one south, of the four lanes on Hurst Street/US 96 in Center. Travelers are being good staying clear of each other and traveling slowly.

Snowfall has been packed down on roadways covering up roadway markings and in areas where the snow and ice has been broken up and the roadway is visible, it has left a slushy mess that will soon likely ice over. Both situations are dangerous for travelers. With the sun shining, hills are already being difficult to climb for many vehicles. Stay off the roadways if at all possible. Tonights weather is only supposed to worsen what is already treacherous terrain.

Earlier today, the Huxley Volunteer Fire Department responded to FM 2427 for traffic control and to assist another 18-wheeler which had turned sideways in the Dreka Church area.

Huxley VFD out in the cold weather helping an 18-wheeler in the Dreka Area. Photos from Dreka submitted by SCT viewer.

The view turning onto Roughrider Drive in Center.