Keep the Legacy Alive of Daniels School, Day 9

May 9, 2018 - C. H. Daniels High School can be remembered for initially educating professional nurses, medical doctors, academia doctors, secretaries, definitely many teachers, engineers, city councilmen and councilwomen, bankers, computer analysts, computer technicians, lawyers, post office workers, housewives, laborers, and for now many retirees. This year, the school celebrates 50 years of closing an institution of educational experience that made a difference in defining and actualizing a positive experience for many fine women and men who chose to attend or complete and receive their high school diploma. Obtaining a higher degree was their choice but Daniels gave them the opportunity to do so. Transcending the challenge of time, Daniels graduates have extensively contributed to the quality and excellence in many fields and careers throughout Texas, the nation and the world.