Making up the Beds by Neal Murphy

May 14, 2020 - My wife, Clara, is a typical type “A” personality. She is impulsive and compulsive. One of her compulsions is making up our beds. Sometimes I feel that she thinks that God should have added an eleventh commandment – “Thou shalt not have any unmade beds in Thine household.”

Over the years, and on a few occasions, she has made up our bed with me still in it, trying to get a few more winks of sleep. Still other times she has made up her side of the bed only, then promptly tidies up the covers when I get up for the day.

This compulsion had a part in an incident which occurred on Mother’s Day Sunday way back in 1968. Our family was living in our modest home in Bellaire, Texas at the time. Doug was around seven, and our daughter approximately ten years old. They slept in the same bedroom on a pair of twin beds.

On this particular Sunday morning, Clara had to coax the kids out of bed, and then promptly made up both twin beds. I do not recall the details of what made our son mad, but he acted out his anger by purposely messing up the covers on both the beds. To Clara, this was the most egregious of actions.

I took over the punishment department at this time. I grabbed my wooden paddle and ordered Doug to make up both beds. I watched as he struggled to accomplish the task in his own seven-year old manner.

When he was through, I tore the covers back again on both beds, and ordered him to make them up again. This was repeated several times. Finally, I felt a little sorry for him and allowed him to cease his punishment. I do not recall that Doug ever repeated his actions again.

After this incident, we had a pleasant and enjoyable Mother’s Day Sunday. I was relieved that I did not have to place my wooden paddle into action on this occasion.

My son has told me several times over the years that he was quite thankful for that wooden paddle. Only occasionally did I have to apply the board of knowledge to the seat of learning. It seemed to have worked. (take that Dr. Spock and Dr. Phil)!

Both our children are now grown and with their own families, and I am not aware if they inherited their mother’s desire to keep neat and tidy bed covers. As for my house we still have the best-kept beds in town, thanks to Clara’s compulsion. My next article might expose her number twelve commandment, “Thou shall not leave any dirty dishes in Thine sink overnight.”