Shelby County Historical Society to Host Speaker O'Neal (Cancelled)

Update: The Shelby County Historical Society meeting has been cancelled.

March 12, 2020 - The Shelby County Historical Society will hold its monthly meeting March 17, 2020 at 2pm in the Shelby County Museum on Pecan Street. 

Our guest speaker this month will be Mr. Bill O'Neal. Mr. O'Neal is the former Texas State Historian and is a well-known author. 

There is an element about our Founding Documents, our Founding Fathers, our Founding Period - an element that is increasingly overlooked these days. But this element was a key to our spectacular success as a people and as a nation. An element that was carried forward by Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, James Madison - and by generations of American men and women who built this country. 

It is an element that is desperately needed in this political season of turmoil. What was this element? Historian and author Bill O'Neal will discuss this element, a key to American Exceptionalism, at the monthly meeting of the Shelby County Historical Society. 

The public is cordially invited.