TFCP Awards 2020 Do-Gooder of the Year to 50 Women Impact

December 1, 2020 - The Texas Forest Country Partnership (TFCP) 2020 Do-Gooder of the Year award for Shelby County was given to the 50 Women Impact during the Economic Development Summit held on November 18, 2020 virtually.

TFCP has presented the award since 2015 to a viable on-going business or individual which is supportive of community growth sustainability. To receive the "Do-Gooder" of the Year Award for 2020 an additional requirement was added; the business or individual must have given back to the community during the COVID-19 Crisis.

The speaker during the virtual presentation at 16:45 minutes said, "On behalf of the Texas Forest Country Partnership I would like to congratulate 50 Women Impact on your 2020 Do-Gooder of the Year award for Shelby County. 50 Women Impact was established in November of 2017 with a small group of women in the community. The goal was to create of group of 50 women willing to give $100 per quarter to be awarded to a deserving organization in the county. 50 members soon became more than 100 women dedicated to the cause. Since formation this organization has given back more than $120,000 to include $31,500 to the COVID-19 crisis. Some recipients include Texas A&M AgriLife 4H, ministries, foundations, youth organizations, and much much more. Thank you for your mission to fulfill your goal and what the power of giving as one can do."

Congratulations 50 Women Impact on receiving this honor! To view the virtual presentation, click here.