Whitton Family Reunion Set for June 2nd

May 7, 2018 - The Whitton Family Reunion will be held at Bishop Chapel Baptist Church (5082 Tx Hwy 63 East - Jasper, TX) on Saturday, June 2, 2018, with a covered dish lunch and lots of great fellowship. Ancestors of Kirt Patrick and Eliza (Hickman) Whitton and friends and other relatives of this family are encouraged and invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Whitton reared their ten children between Pineland and Broaddus. Their children are all deceased now and included Walter Whitton, Yvonne Kingsley, Duetta Ogden, K.P. Whitton, Benton Whitton, Zera Gary, Charlie Whitton, Lena Smith, Jack Whitton, and Armatha Lane.