Submitted by Larry Hume

Pearl Harbor Day

December 3, 2019 - It began when Japanese aircraft appeared in the air over Pearl Harbor, Hawaii just before 8:00 a.m. on Sunday morning, December 7th, 1941. When the attack ceased shortly before 10:00 a.m., less than two hours after it began, American forces had paid a fearful price. Eighteen (18) ships were either damaged or sunk, 180 aircraft were destroyed and 2,403 were dead and thousands of others wounded.

Flag Alert for 78th Anniversary of Attack on Pearl Harbor

December 4, 2019 - In honor of the 78th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii on December 7, 1941 all flags should lowered to half staff at sunrise, Saturday, December 7, 2019 and raised at sunset, same day. All flags flying with the US Flag should also be lowered.

If you have an outdoor flag that cannot be lowered, respect for the day can be shown by tying a black ribbon or cord at the top of the flag staff.

Flag Half Staff in Honor of Patriot Day

September 9, 2019 - The Flag of the United States is to be flown at half staff in honor of Patriot Day, Wednesday, September 11, 2019 from sunrise to sunset in memory of those killed in the attacks on this day, 2001.

All flags flying with the US Flag should also be lowered.  If you have a flag that cannot be lowered respect for the day can be displayed by tying a black ribbon or chord at the top of the flag staff.

Support Our Nation's Heroes - Donate Your Car!

July 18, 2019 - There's another way to support the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S. - donate your car! Donate your car, truck, or boat to the VFW and your generous donation may even qualify for a tax deduction. Get started on your vehicle donation!

1. Call 844-839-4438 or going online at - It makes donating your vehicle easy!
2. Schedule your convenient and free pick-up.
3. Receive a tax receipt for your generous donation.

Vietnam Peace Accord of 1973 Observance

January 21, 2019 - The Paris Peace Accord ending the Vietnam War was signed on January 27, 1973, and was followed by the withdrawal of the remaining American troops. The terms of the accord called for a complete ceasefire in South Vietnam, allowed North Vietnamese forces to retain the territory they had captured, release of US prisoners of war, and called for both sides to find a political solution to the conflict.


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