By Doug Fincher

“My Painted Throat” by Doug Fincher

September 5, 2023 - In 1950 at the age of 18, I hitch-hiked to Springfield, Missouri with three dollars in my pocket.  I persuaded the College to let me enroll with the promise to pay as I could for a room in the dormitory.  I was given a room shared with Don Walker of Tyler, Texas.  It was complete with a lavatory, a Panel-Ray Heater a washcloth, a towel, a broom, and two bunk beds.

"Gordon Peavy" by Doug Fincher

“… you’ll have treasure in heaven..” Luke 18:22

July 3, 2023 - Gordon was San Augustine’s finest truck farmer. He farmed in the Patroon Creek bottom and occasionally on the old Horne place. He taught me to drive a tractor, tie turnip greens with bear grass and know when a watermelon’s ripe.


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