Across the Preacher’s Desk: Are You Afraid?

Tim PerkinsMay 25, 2023 - Admittedly, in our day and time, with the uncertainty in our world, there is seemingly much to be afraid of. Jesus said in John 10:10, “I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly”. Yet, to live the abundant life Jesus wants us to live, we must conquer certain things and one of those is fear.

Fear can have a ravaging effect on our lives and can be one of our greatest adversaries. There is an ancient legend of a man driving one day toward a certain city. He was stopped by an old woman asking for a ride. He took her up beside him and they drove down the road. As he looked at her, he became frightened and asked, “Who are you?” The old woman replied that she was Cholera. He ordered the old woman to get out and walk. Yet, she persuaded him to take her. She promised not to kill more than five people in the city. She even gave him a special dagger, the only weapon that oculd kill her and told him that she would meet him in 2 days and he could stab her if she broke her promise. 120 people died in the city of cholera. The enraged man went to look for her, and meeting her raised his dagger to kill her. She stopped him, saying she had kept her agreement, and killed only 5 people. Fear, she said, killed the others.

Oftentimes, this legend is a true parable of life. Disease kills its thousands, fear kills its tens of thousands. Sometimes, the greatest miseries of humanity come from the dread of trouble rather than from the presence of trouble.

It’s something to think about... tbp

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