January 30, 2025 - There are two passages of scripture that tell us in plain language who we belong to and the price that was paid for us. In I Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul tells us that we are not our own but that we were bought with a price. Then, Peter declares in I Peter 1:18-20 that the price was the precious blood of Jesus Christ.
We belong to God. Not only did God create us, he redeemed us with the precious blood of his only begotten son. The essential fact of Christianity is that God thought that all men and women were worth the sacrifice of his son. God thought it was worth the life and death of Jesus to bring men and women home to him.
Not only has God redeemed us, he also has preserved us. Whoever we are and wherever we go, God has brought us through the changes and chances of life to the point where we are right now. God has preserved us in danger, upheld us in sorrow, healed us in sickness and cared for us. This life of ours does not belong to us. This life belongs to God. He created us, he preserves and cares for us and he redeemed us. That is why we should use it with reverence and care. You see, this life cost God so much, we dare not waste it. We should declare with every action of our life that we belong to God.
It’s something to think about... tbp
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