Center Church of Christ Revised Worship Schedule

March 21, 2020 - As we all navigate through these unprecedented times in our country, it is very important that we are following the advice of public health officials to attempt to halt or mitigate the spread of this dreadful virus. Equally important is that we are still making worship and service to the God of Heaven the utmost priority in our lives. To that end, if you are planning to join us for worship tomorrow, you will be welcomed with open arms. If you are planning to join us and have not been contacted about the time for your specific small group to meet, please contact us ASAP so that we can get you scheduled. We will add as many services as are needed to accommodate demands of those wanting to worship with us while also following public health guidelines that are in place.

If you are unable to worship with us tomorrow, we certainly understand that as well given current circumstances. At 10 am tomorrow, the Oldham Lane church of Christ in Abilene TX will be live streaming a worship service there and we would encourage you to go to the following link and watch that service, we can assure you that you will be blessed in doing so.

As we navigate through these difficult times remember your friends and neighbors in your thoughts and prayers, keep our local, state and national leaders in your prayers and most importantly remember that we love you and the Lord that died for you loves you as well.

Facebook page - Center Church of Christ