Center Church of Christ Revised Worship Schedule

March 25, 2020 - In our continuing effort to balance the need to gather and worship on the Lord’s Day, at the same time comply with the requests of our elected officials and also do as much as possible to ensure the safety of our members, the Center Church of Christ has made the following changes to our schedule of activities:

This coming Sunday, (March 29th) we will have multiple worship services for small groups. Those who were in worship last Sunday will be in the same groups you were assigned to. At this time all of our worship groups are filled. However, if you have a desire to worship with us this coming Sunday, please PM us and we will add as many services as necessary to accommodate the demand. If you have not been contacted about a time to worship, please private message me. Should the need arise, we will add additional services.

If you are unable to worship with us Sunday, we understand that given the current circumstances. At 10 A.M. Sunday, the Oldham Lane Church of Christ in Abilene, TX will be live streaming a worship service and we would encourage you to go to the following link, and watch that service. You will be blessed by doing so.

Our hope and prayer is still that the current crisis will have abated and we can resume our regular schedule of activities beginning Sunday, April 5th.

We love you, the Lord who died for you loves you, and He will see us safely through this time of trial.