Center ISD Board of Trustees Regular Meeting Unofficial Minutes

February 15, 2019 - A regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Center Independent School District (CISD) was held on Thursday, February 14, 2019, beginning at 12:00 p.m. at Center Intermediate School District located at 624 Malone Drive in Center, Texas 75935.

1. Call Meeting to Order and Establish a Quorum
Matthew Mettauer called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. and declared a quorum.
Present: Allison Johnson; Daphne LaRock; Casey Lout; Matthew Mettauer; Traci Willoughby; Deuce Wulf; Betty McDaniel, Director of Finance and James Hockenberry, Superintendent
Absent: John Henry Holloway
Visitors: Carey Agnew, Special Education Director; Mike Brister; Tina Byrnes, SFE; CIS Students; CIS Parents; Paul Cocklin, CISD Digital Learning Coordinator; Mike Elswick, Light and Champion; Matt Gregory, CHS Principal; Heath Hagler, CIS Principal; Jake Henson, CMS Principal; Inez Hughes, FLM Principal; LeeAnn Masterson, CIS Assistant Principal; Scott Ponder, CISD Athletic Director; Shelly Norvell, CES Principal; Teresa Richard, RTI Director; Linda Snell, Special Programs Director and Mickey Wulf, Special Education

2. Invocation and Pledges of Allegiance
Casey Lout led the invocation, and Zykerious Barnes and Casey Milford led the Pledges.
Traci Willoughby at 12:01 p.m.

3. Public Comments/Audience Participation

4. Recognition of CHS Student All-State Band Qualifier
This agenda item was tabled, as the student was unavailable.

5. Recognition of CIS Students
Mr. Hagler highlighted CIS students who had made a big gain in their accelerated assessments, a year’s worth of growth in reading and students that were chosen by CIS teachers to receive Writers Awards.
CISD Board Minutes (Regular) – February 14, 2019

6. Consent Agenda
Casey Lout made a motion, seconded by Daphne LaRock, to approve the consent agenda consisting of the minutes from the special called meeting on January 14, 2019; regular meeting on January 17, 2019; special called meeting on January 25, 2019; Tax Office Report (January 2019); Financial Reports (January 2019); Resolution Regarding Wage Payments During Emergency Closing of CISD; Payment Approval over $50,000; Investment Report (January 2019), Overnight Student Trips and Amendments to the Budget.
The motion carried 6-0.

7. Consider to Approve the Sale of Property Due to the Non-Payment of Taxes
Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Casey Lout, to approve the sale of the property due to the non-payment of taxes.
The motion carried 6-0.

8. Consideration to Approve Bid to Sell House to be Moved per Texas Education Code §11.154 and §11.1542 and Texas Local Code §272.001(a)
Deuce Wulf made a motion, seconded by Casey Lout, to approve the bid to sell the house to be moved per Texas Education Code §11.154 and §11.1542 and Texas Local Code §272.001(a) for $8,000 to Jonathan Gray.
The motion carried 6-0.

9. Consideration and Approval of TASB Localized Policy Update 112
Deuce Wulf made a motion, seconded by Traci Willoughby, to approve the TASB Localized Policy Update 112 as presented.
The motion carried 6-0.

10. Review Bond Project and Budget
Dr. Hockenberry provided the Board with a summary of the bond project.

11. Consideration to Change March 2019 Regular Board Meeting Date
The March regular Board meeting will be held on March 21, 2019, at noon.

12. Review and Discussion of FLM Middle of the Year Literacy Data
The Board reviewed the middle of the year literacy data from F.L. Moffett Primary School.
CISD Board Minutes (Regular) – February 14, 2019

13. 2017-2019 TAPR
The Board received a copy of the District’s Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) for 2017-2018.

14. Closed Session
The Board did not enter into Closed Session.

15. Open Session

15.1 District Employees and Officers: Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.074 and §551.129 for consideration of employment of contracted personnel, resignation/retirement, and extended emergency sick leave.

15.1.1 Resignation/Retirement of Personnel
There were no resignations/retirements to be considered by the Board.

15.1.2 Employment of Personnel
Traci Willoughby made a motion, seconded by Daphne LaRock, to approve the employment of contracted personnel as recommended by Superintendent Hockenberry.
Ashley Aleman, Teacher/Coach (Head Volleyball) - Center High School
Joshua Aleman, Teacher/Coach – Center High School
Robert Davis, Teacher/Coach – Center High School
Tony Turner, Teacher/Coach – Center High School
The motion carried 6-0.

15.1.3 Extended Emergency Sick Leave
There were no extended emergency sick leaves to be considered by the Board.

15.2 Real Property: Texas Government Code §551.071, §551.072 and §551.129
There was no action taken regarding the real property.

16. Adjournment
Casey Lout made a motion, seconded by Traci Willoughby, to adjourn the meeting at 12:24 p.m.
The motion carried 6-0.