Center Weather Statistics for May 2019

May 31, 2019 - Weather statistics for May, 2019 are prepared and submitted by Ann Forbes, U.S. Weather Service Observer.
Highest Temp was 93 degrees on 5-20-2019
Highest Temp on Record was 100 degrees on 5-21-1943
Lowest Temp was 55 degrees on 5-14-2019
Lowest Temp on Record was 40 degrees on 5-05-1992, 5-01-1996 & 5-04-2013
Rainfall Recorded was 9.83 inches
Average Monthly Rainfall is 4.47 inches
Above Average by 5.36 inches
Highest Recorded for this Month was 16.50 inches in 1953
Lowest Recorded for this Month was 0.10 inches in 1998
Typo in last month's report at the end of April, Rainfall was 19.03 & not 19.10 inches.
Rainfall through May, 2019 is 28.86 inches
400 tornadoes and flooding have been reported by the news media across our nation in the last two weeks!  
Hopefully, this does not mean we will have more hurricanes than normal. 
Just be aware and keep your eyes on the weather when you are out and about - Be Safe and not Sorry!!! 

Click here for full weather report.