February 3, 2025 - The month of January 2025 had 11 days of rain for a total rain fall of 4.14 inches.
The weather data for Center, Texas during the past month is as follows:
Lowest temperature - 12.9 on January 22
Hottest temperature - 76.5 on January 5
Number of days with rain - 11 days
Total rain fall for the month - 4.14 inches
Total rain fall YTD for 2025 - 4.14 inches
01/01/2025 - Low of 36.1, High of 57.9
01/02/2025 - Low of 33.6, High of 61.9
01/03/2025 - Low of 47.3, High of 66.6
01/04/2025 - Low of 47.5, High of 61.0, Rain 0.03
01/05/2025 - Low of 29.7, High of 76.5, Rain 0.14
01/06/2025 - Low of 24.4, High of 41.7
01/07/2025 - Low of 27.3, High of 45.0
01/08/2025 - Low of 26.8, High of 46.2
01/09/2025 - Low of 28.9, High of 37.8, Rain 1.38
01/10/2025 - Low of 32.0, High of 37.4, Rain 0.84
01/11/2025 - Low of 25.3, High of 52.2
01/12/2025 - Low of 30.2, High of 57.6
01/13/2025 - Low of 32.5, High of 55.0
01/14/2025 - Low of 27.0, High of 54.7
01/15/2025 - Low of 34.3, High of 63.1
01/16/2025 - Low of 28.8, High of 63.7
01/17/2025 - Low of 31.3, High of 60.8, Rain 0.01
01/18/2025 - Low of 39.9, High of 61.3
01/19/2025 - Low of 24.6, High of 41.9
01/20/2025 - Low of 19.2, High of 39.2
01/21/2025 - Low of 16.3, High of 38.1, Rain 0.01
01/22/2025 - Low of 12.9, High of 45.3
01/23/2025 - Low of 22.5, High of 54.3
01/24/2025 - Low of 21.9, High of 57.6
01/25/2025 - Low of 27.3, High of 59.0
01/26/2025 - Low of 48.4, High of 50.4, Rain 1.28
01/27/2025 - Low of 41.9, High of 54.1
01/28/2025 - Low of 39.9, High of 55.0, Rain 0.17
01/29/2025 - Low of 48.7, High of 65.3, Rain 0.05
01/30/2025 - Low of 53.2, High of 71.6, Rain 0.22
01/31/2025 - Low of 45.3, High of 65.8, Rain 0.01