Garden Club, Agrilife Teach "Learn, Grow, Eat and Go"

August 7, 2015 - The Shelby County Texas A&M Agrilife Extension agent, Mrs. Jheri-Lynn Smith McSwain asked the Center Garden Club to assist with her in a four week program. The title of the program was "Learn, Grow, Eat and Go" (garden lessons).

The program was held at the Piney Woods Outreach Center. Two sessions were held per day with approximately fifty children, plus several adults in attendance.
On week one, the students learned that eating something is not just tasting; it is using all five of your senses! Each student gave a separate grade for each sense: sight, smell, feel, sound, and taste. The students participated in a daily sampling and evaluation of a new vegetable or fruit.

Week two, they learned about the plant parts that we eat and the nutrients to make our plants grow.

Week three, the students glued vegetable seeds onto paper towels. This is called "paper towel gardening". The students then went outdoors to plant their paper towels in the wooden raised beds, built by local businesses. The teams had specific responsibilities to make sure that the gardens were cared for.

On final week four, all students learned about what nutrients fueled their body. They include: fruits, vegetables, grains, protein and dairy. Without these daily nutrients our body cannot perform at it's very best! Last, but not least, students participated in the "Fruity Beauty & Blind Test." Each sampled a bite-size piece from four different apples. Then they were asked to describe the names of these apples.

I believe the members of the Center Garden Club enjoyed these weeks just as much as the children. We thank Jheri-lynn, the ladies of Piney Woods Outreach Center, and most of all ...... the many wonderful children and adults whom we will always remember!