July 7, 2021 - Due to the overwhelmingly positive response of our students’ participation for the field trips and the facilities not being able to accommodate the number of students, chaperones, and parents wanting to attend, parents are NOT going to be able to attend any of the field trips. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Also, the field trip that was scheduled for July 20 to the Fishery in Athens has a limit on the number of students and staff that can attend, so it has been split into two dates.
● July 20, 2021 will be for Pre-K through 2nd grade
● July 21, 2021 will be for 3rd-5th Grade
June 23, 2021 (Registration Form) - Joaquin Elementary School has some exciting news to share with it students, we have planned some great field trips. These field trips will be a great opportunity for our Elementary students to grow socially and academically over the summer.
Four days have been planned in July to enrich the students of the Elementary.
- Tuesday, July 13, 2021: Bowling and the Planetarium at SFA. Meal will be Cici’s pizza.
- Thursday, July 15, 2021: Shreveport Aquarium. Meal will be IHOP.
- Tuesday, July 20, 2021: Fish Hatchery in Athens, TX. Meal will be provided.
- Thursday, July 22, 2021: Sciport. Meal will be at Sciport.
If you are interested in attending the trip (s) please look for information on www.joaquinisd.net, Shelby County Today, Elementary Website, Elementary Facebook page, Joaquin ISD facebook page. We will mail a copy to every student. Email: tharris@joaquinisd.net with any questions that you may have.
The field trips are open to any Joaquin Elementary student who was enrolled in the PreK-5th Grade for the 2020-2021 school year. The field trip will be provided free of charge to each Joaquin Elementary student. Lunch will be provided on each field trip free of charge.
Registration will be open from June 28th and end on July 6th. Registration forms must be completed before a student can attend. All Registration must be completed by the deadline. Permission slips will be available at the Elementary office from 8am to 3pm, Monday-Thursday, as well as the Administration building.You can drop off registration packets after hours in our drop box in front of the Elementary.